Mobile Royale Wiki
Rally party
Rally Party Event
Rally has begun! Lets do our best! Starting now!

Rally party is an event that happens periodically. You work together with your guild completing quests. When you complete a quest, you win a certain number of points, which will rank you in a ranking of members, and rank your guild in a group of guilds ranking. There are several groups, and the first 5 guild winners in their group will receive a prize, which will be given to all guild participants who contributed to the guild's total score.


The guild must have at least 30 members before the start of the event, and your own castle must be at least lvl 10 in order to take part.

You can only contribute points for the Guild you're in at the start of the event. You cannot switch Guilds for the event.

Once a quest has been accepted, it must be completed within the allotted time, or you will fail the quest.

Abandoning a quest that you've already accepted will not recover a quest chance, so please select a quest that you can complete.

The guild chiefe and authorized department members can remove quests that have not been selected. Points and quest chances will not be deducted.

Once a quest has been accepted, a new quest will be available after 15 minutes.

When a quest has been removed by the Guild Chief or authorized department members, a new quest will appear after 10 minutes.

About the rewards

Guild points are made up of the total of Guild member points. When the event ends, the top 5 Guilds will win ranking rewards, and their Guild members who participated in the event will also get the rewards. (Event participants must earn at least 100 points to claim this reward).

Participants can claim tier rewards within 3 days after the event ends. Please keep track of the claim period.

Rally party print 1

Rally party print 2
Ranking Reward
Guilds in all Kingdoms will be grouped randomly, and compete in terms of points. Guilds that achieve Tier 8 and above, and rank within the top 5 in their group, will win ranking rewards!

1st Place

600 Crystals x4

Research Speed Up 15h x1

Speed Up 15h x2

Fast Travel II x2

2nd Place

600 Crystals x1

Research Speed Up 15h x1

Research Speed Up 3h x6

Fast Travel II x3

3rd Place

300 Crystals x1

Research Speed Up 3h x2

Teleporter x1

200k Gold x3

4th Place

300 Crystals x1

Research Speed Up 3h x2

Fast Travel II x2

200k Gold x2

5th Place

300 Crystals x1

Research Speed Up 3h x2

Fast Travel I x3

200k Gold x2
